Glueboard ban, India

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2020: Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) reiterates its call for glue board ban

In December, 2020 the AWBI referenced its 2011 advisory and stated that "it has come to the knowldedge of the AWBI that the Glue traps are still widely manufactured and sold across india." Descrbing their use as "a cruel reoccurring practice... which is in direct violation of section 11(1) of PCA Act, 1960" the AWBI asked all Chief Secretaries of State of Union Territory Governments "to issue appropriate directions to prohibit the manufacture, sale and use of Glue traps. The Director-General of Foreign Trade is requested to issue strict apropriate directions to impose the ban on the import of glue traps. The Indian Pest COntrol Association may also issue appropriate advisories to its members."

It concluded by noting: "This may be treated as MOST URGENT."

Text of 12/2020 AWBI advisory

Earlier, in 2011, according to FIAPO:

"Animal Welfare Board of India Declares Glue Boards Violate Anti-Cruelty Law"

"The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO), in collaboration with UK charity ACTAsia for Animals, has achieved another victory for animals, this time for the poor creatures that suffer and die in inhumane glue traps."

"In response to a petition by FIAPO, Major General Dr. R.M Kharb, Chairman of the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), has issued an advisory stating that the use of glue traps causes unnecessary pain and suffering and hence is in violation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. It also asks the Chief Secretaries of state governments and the Director General of Foreign Trade to prohibit sale, manufacture, use and import of glue traps.

"Glue traps, also known as glue boards or sticky traps, are a type of non-lethal or restraining rodent trap used mostly to trap rats and mice. The animals are caught in the trap by their feet or fur and these attached animals are thrown away still stuck to the trap, and cannot escape. They endure a prolonged period of terror, pain and distress before death. Their desperate efforts to escape from the trap result in torn skin and broken legs while some even try to bite through their limbs in an attempt to get away. Birds and other animals can also end up in these traps and then suffer
a similar fate.

"The use of glue traps for controlling rats and rodents is in contravention of the provisions contained in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960"; said Dr Kharb.

"Our campaign is now under way to get the sale, manufacture and import of glue traps banned as well to get a total ban on these inhumane traps, and we need your help to do so.

"For further details please visit <>... to view the different ways in which you can help us to get a ban in your state or local area and to donate to the campaign.


"AWBI is a statutory body of the Government of India
(GoI) established in 1962 under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960. It has been constituted to promote animal welfare in general and for protecting animals from being subjected to unnecessary pain and suffering.
At present, AWBI works under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI.

"FIAPO is India's umbrella animal welfare body concerned with the protection and welfare of all animals, with hundreds of members and colleagues across the country."

Text of 8/2011 AWBI advisory