Farms & Gardens

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  • Agricultural Bird Control Products from Birdbusters
  • Wild Neighbors: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife, by John Hadidian
    A 272-page paperback, Wild Neighbors provides "practical, humane, and effective advice on how to share living space with 35 of the most common species—from alligators to woodpeckers—found in the lower 48 states. Advice focuses on how to: properly and accurately define a wildlife problem; determine what type of animal is causing it; identify the damage; effectively take action for a humane and permanent solution; and proactively avoid future conflicts." The authors are current or former members of the staff of The Humane Society of the United States.
    Used copies can usually be found at Amazon (where it has received rave reviews) for less than $10 including shipping
  • How to Manage Pests - Pests in Gardens and Landscapes -- Vertebrate Pests by the University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program [includes both humane and inhumane techniques].
  • Contech's ScareCrow® is a motion-activated water sprinkler that can repel unwanted individuals (deer, raccoons, heron, poachers, pigeons, dogs and more) with a short but startling burst of water. The sudden noise, movement and spray scares animals away, teaching them to avoid the area in future. It requires a nine-volt battery and covers about 1300 square feet. See a video of it in operation. It's advertised as $89 US at the manufacturer's site but can sometimes be found for under $50 including shipping from resellers on ebay such as Marvin Gardens Store. Try a search at Ebay for: contech scarecrow motion activated sprinkler 
    Here's another similar product with over a thousand reviews on Amazon.
  • While silent, non-moving plastic owls may not persuade birds to vamoose, this mock screech owl rotates in the wind and has four predator/scare sounds programmed in: birds in distress, predator attack cries and wing beats from birds taking flight. A photo cell activates the sounds during daylight hours only.
  • A search at Amazon for: "Ultrasonic Repeller" produces a large variety of results, including for products with many reviews mostly very positive. We're not aware of any that have a strong foundation of research support, but some may be worth a try. 
